
As you can see, the title of this blog is WidowPie. Its a play on a nickname Drew and I had for each other. There were lots of nicknames. Big- not that either of us are/were large in stature, it was more like "big love." Another favorite came from my teasing that since his name is Andrew and was shortened to Drew it technically could have been shortened to An. So for a long time we called each other (and his vehicle) An. A final favorite came from my saying something about a pie face. He asked, "what in the world does that mean?" "you know, big and round, like a pie." His mother always thought we said it because we thought each other were as sweet as pie, and we did, but that wasn't the origination of the nickname. Since I wanted this blog to be about my experience as a widow I decide to call it WidowPie. Plus, when I think of pie I think of mixing together lots of different ingredients (this blog will be about lots of things) and the end product being amazing. I hope thats how this blog (and the rest of my life) turns out!


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