Blessed, Grateful, Hopeful

I promised to get back to the phrase "That was God." Remember the first blog post and the "coincidence" of those two similar sentences- One from the last book Drew signed for the girls and one from a card he wrote me years before. Remember how I kept trying different blog addresses and all were taken and then it hit me those similarities weren't a "coincidence," they were instead a sign from God. And how after trying LOTS of other possible blog addresses, I tried "That was God" and it was available! Below is what made the phrase "That was God" come to mind.

Posted on Facebook on November 6, 2018 (the one year anniversary of Drew's funeral):
There are so many things I miss about Drew: his unconditional love, trustworthiness, patience, rational decision making, kindness, the security I felt when I was with him, the lost future and much more. On the anniversary of his funeral I want to share a few things (from this unwanted journey) that I am thankful for; like learning how resilient and compassionate our children are, how much strength I have when there is no other choice and meeting someone who will stop me mid-sentence to say “That was God.” Since our meeting I think of that statement all the time. When I’m sad and someone calls, when it’s been a long day and there’s a card in the mail, when I feel overwhelmed and get a text to have lunch; I think, “That was God.” Lately I’ve been thinking about where that phrase fits over the past year (it fits a lot). The first two pictures were taken a year ago today; after the funeral, at the end of the reception (is it even called that), when Vivi decided to get in a shower in her dress and provide us all with a much-needed laugh. That moment, the laughter, a friend thinking to snap a picture, the BLESSING of our little girl “That was God.” The day before the anniversary of Drew’s accident I was crying. The doorbell rang and when I opened the door I was handed the most beautiful flowers. I stopped crying to (literally) smell the roses and think how GRATEFUL I am to have this friend, and so many others who have been there for us during these difficult two weeks, in my life “That was God.” Throughout the past year friends and family have LOVED us. They have included us in their Christmas traditions; invited us to ring in the New Year, to join them on family vacations, to be their Valentine; they have thrown me a birthday dinner, organized a lantern release, taken girls trips near and far and so much more. All of this kindness has created HOPE that we will be okay because there are people like them out there “That was God.” Thank you to everyone who has made us feel BLESSED, GRATEFUL and HOPEFUL. We LOVE you.

So, now you know the story behind the thought "That was God" coming to mind while trying to pick out a blog address!

PS- I almost used the words Blessed * Grateful * Hopeful on our Christmas card this year (the picture below is our Christmas card picture) but decided to stick with Faith * Hope * Love

Update: I realized what I posted on Facebook mentions pictures of a wet Vivi at the funeral so I wanted to add one of the pictures here so you could see what I was talking about!


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