You know when you know

One year after Drew's accident I put this on Facebook: 
This picture was taken a year ago today. The day of Drew’s accident (10/23/17). We love and miss him so much. Fourteen years together was not enough, but no amount of time would have been-I would have always wanted more. The first time I saw Drew I asked a friend who he was and when we were introduced (at a football game a few weeks later) I knew he was the one for me. When he asked my parent’s permission to propose he told them he would love and take care of me forever. Our love was always going to be “until death do us part.” There’s an emptiness inside me that won’t ever completely go away; but, with the mercy and grace of God, I am prepared to carry it and keep living. I will continue to pray that I am enough for the girls and try to follow a friend’s advice to focus on what I do have instead of what’s missing. The girls and I are hopeful for the future and are forever grateful for the time we had with Drew and the friends and family who have shown so much compassion and kindness. “Love never ends.” 1 Corinthians 13:8 


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