That was God

Lets start at the beginning. Not the beginning beginning as in when Christ was born. And not even the beginning of my story (although hopefully I will get to that soon). Just the beginning of this blog. I was trying to come up with a blogspot address and I thought I need something that is meaningful, something to represent me and my journey. So I grabbed two of my favorite things and starting thinking.
First, a book. When my husband was in a coma in the hospital I had his step mother go out and get the book "Wherever You Are my love will find you" by Nancy Tillman. I wrote "I love you" and then I held the pen in his had and signed "Dad." It was the last book he would give our girls. It's a beautiful book. I cry when I read it. My 9 year old memorized the book, she was a daddy's girl. A favorite line in the book reads "I wanted you more than you ever will know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."
The second item. A dog-tag style necklace that Drew's mother had made for me after he passed away.  We had it engraved with words from an anniversary card he wrote years ago that reads, "I love you more than you will ever know! I thank God everyday for giving me you." These two sentences so similar and yet a complete coincidence.* So, with these two precious items in hand I set out to create a blogspot address. I tried several variations of the sentences and other lines from the book... all were taken.
I thought again, what a coincidence* that this final book Drew signed for the girls would have a line so similar to the one he wrote in a card for me that I later chose to have engraved on a necklace. And then it hit me, that wasn't a coincidence, "that was God" (More on this later). So, with that realization, the blog address was entered and available and here I am starting a blog and checking off one of my 2019 resolutions!


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