This wasn't mine, He wasn't mine
Immediately following Drew's accident I was in survival mode. The unexpectedness of Drew's death threw me in to such shock I can't even remember many parts of those first months. I don't remember places I drove, getting the flu, cleaning out his office, Im sure there are lots of other things I could list but I don't remember them. They say stress can cause your mind to shut down in order to protect itself. Mine must have done just that to keep me from going crazy. Somehow, with the help of my friends and family, things got done. There was food on the table. The girls were happy and cared for. The paper work was started (although I still have to call my dear friend Joey to ask him about investments from that time, decisions we made, that I just don't remember). I guess this is what they refer to as "Widow's fog." When the shock started to wear off (it wasn't gone, by far, but it lessened). I think I was in denial. I was an outsider looking in a...